About Jim Condit Jr.


* born in 1953 in Cincinnati, Ohio

* oldest of eleven brothers and sisters

* St. Margaret of Cortona grade school, 1959-1967 (located in Madisonville near Fairfax in Cincinnati, Ohio. Grew up on the legendary Simpson Avenue, world capital of “Step Ball.”)

* St. Xavier High School, 1967-1971

* Xavier University, 1971-1974 (graduated from the HAB, i.e., Honors Bachelor of Arts program, with emphasis on Latin, Greek, philosophy, history, literature); as far as we know, Jim Condit Jr. was the only person in the history of the university to graduate from the HAB program in three years.

* founder of printing business (t-shirts, sweatshirts, etc.) 1974, and did “hands on” printing himself from 1974 until 1989, as well as managed the business. The business name was Shirt Scene.

* was awarded the t-shirt contracts by legendary Cincinnati sports agent Ann Smith for Cincinnati Reds stars Pete Rose, Johnny Bench, Joe Morgan, Tony Perez, George Foster, and Bengal quarterback Ken Anderson. (This was right before Professional Sports became “big business.” That a small start up company could today be awarded the contracts for such big Sports Stars — is unthinkable.)

* Made t-shirts for Pete Rose, Johnny Bench, Joe Morgan, Tony Perez in the “Big Red Machine” World Series Championship years of 1975 and 1976. These classic t-shirts were hand printed by Jim Condit Jr., his brothers and sisters, their friends, employees and his Grandma.

* Sold printing business in 1989 and moved into publishing, book selling, sales, and eventually online websites — and, of course, “political wars” for the future of our country.

* Married his wife, Kathie on September 30, 1978, and together they are blessed with six children now in their 20s and early 30s.


THE RECORD: A Track Record of Vision on Key Issues

* at age 19 was an alternate delegate to the 1972 Republican Convention in Miami, Florida which nominated President Richard Nixon and Vice President Spiro Agnew to run against Democrat George McGovern. Saw up close then Governor Ronald Reagan, CBS news anchor Walter Cronkite, literally bumped into author Theodore White (The Making of the President, 1960), and viewed up close President Richard Nixon, Vice President Spiro Agnew, and many more prominent people of that day who attended that convention. Because of information learned through attendance at that convention, voted for third party candidate, then US Congressman John Schmitz in the 1972 Presidential election.

* A week before the 1972 Republican National Convention (August 21 to 23), appeared before the Republican Platform Committee in Miami, Florida, on Monday, August 14, 1972 — accompanied by his grandmother, Shirley Richardson, and her son, Marcus Richardson. Marcus had been born at only 19 weeks into the pregnancy at Cincinnati General Hospital. The baby, now two years old and in perfect health, was presented to the committee, along with large posters provided by Cincinnati Right to Life and Dr. John Willke, showing the baby’s development in the womb, as well as the “results” of real abortions. Notorious feminist, Betty Friedan, came to Condit’s presentation and told a reporter for the Miami Herald that the full color posters had been altered — another lie in the lying and murder-promoting career of Betty Friedan. The baby, born at 19 weeks into the pregnancy, was living proof that the abortion laws then in New York and California were allowing the murder of real babies. That night, Condit appeared on the CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite for about 30 seconds, thanks to the efforts of the late CBS reporter, Michele Clark, who was in her second month on the job for CBS Evening News. Clark died only 4 months later sitting next to Dorothy Hunt, controversial wife of Watergate burglar Howard Hunt, on United Airlines Flight 553, traveling from Washington D.C. to Chicago in a suspicious plane crash near Chicago. Douglas Kiker also reported on the anti-abortion testimony on NBC Evening News on that night, August 14, 1972, referring to Condit as a “19 year old boy” who says abortion is murder. The Republican Platform Committee recommended a pro-life plank for the Republican party in 1972, and it was adopted. Dr. & Mrs. Willke, leaders of the pro-life movement and authors of “Handbook on Abortion”, have credited Condit with being instrumental with getting the pro-life plank into the Republican Party National Platform, where it has remained to this day. (The point of including the information on Michele Clark above is that she must have been an unusually honest and persistent national network reporter, or she never would have forwarded the Marcus Richardson story and Condit testimony to The CBS Evening News in New York City. She died under suspicious circumstances, apparently doing some real reporting about the Watergate intrigue, — and this is an opportunity to remember her for it, in light of the sick excuses for “reporters” we see today in the national media.)

* Co-founder of Life Is For Everyone (LIFE) pro-life youth group for High School and College students in 1972 at the urging of Dr. John Willke, author of Handbook on Abortion.

* Founded Cincinnatus Political Action Committee in 1979 and ran an independent slate of candidates for Cincinnati City Council, protesting the de facto pro-abortion position of both major parties, stating publicly at that time that, in effect, that both the Democrats and Republicans were the same party operating behind two masks. This observation has proven essentially true by 2014 on all major issues — based on the actions of the two major parties.

* Has run for office or managed campaigns 11 times between 1979 and 2006 — always financially outgunned, but using the political process to try and alert the American people to what is really going on, as well as to lay the basis for a citizens movement to reclaim America’s destiny.

* In 1981 helped spearhead a lawsuit against the Hamilton County Board of Elections because of the unverifiable computerized election process in use; in 1985 that lawsuit was won when Judge Richard Niehaus ruled that “there are no safeguards to prevent the computers from being programmed to distort the election results.” The local Court of Appeals disgracefully and treasonously overturned that decision without foundation or reason in 1987, leaving the easily-rigged computerized election system in place.

* In 1985, helped bring to public attention whistleblowers (Leonard Gates and Robert Drais) who stated with credibility, in testimony that was largely confirmed via events which followed over the next few years, that they had been used as wiretappers by unsavory groups during their employment at a major phone company, Cincinnati Bell; one of the whistleblowers, Leonard Gates, explained on a video and in a court case how he had wiretapped the computers in Hamilton County on several election nights, including 1977, 1979, and 1981; he testified that he was told the elections could be rigged through the connections he was setting up into the election computers. Under cross examination and under oath, a Board of Elections official, a Mr. Joly, conceded that if someone had the proper computer codes, he would have a 100% chance to rig the election. This story, from 1985 to 1989, eventually spawned hundreds of local print, radio and TV stories, and eventually a story on 60 Minutes, but with the computer-vote-rigging aspect never mentioned by 60 Minutes.

* In 1985, under a court order obtained by attorney James Condit Sr. from Judge Richard Niehaus, brought in the legendary, late Collier brothers (Jim & Ken, authors of Votescam: The Stealing of America) who filmed women tweezing votes from punch card ballots at the Hamilton County Board of Elections about 9:00 PM on election night. (Well-meaning ladies were told to do this all over the country by those running the absurd computerized systems using the punch-card ballots; thus, we were protesting the phenomenon of “hanging chad” 15 years before it came to national attention; the Crooked National TV Stations only mentioned “hanging chad’ because they wanted to push into US counties the even more easily rigged, more sophisticated computer election systems that 99% of US counties have adopted.)

* The Cincinnati “votescam” story in 1985 is summarized in its essentials in Chapter 12 of the book, Votescam: The Stealing of America, by the late brothers, James & Kenneth Collier.

* 1989 began writing articles, one of which was published in Chronicles Magazine, entitled “A House without Doors”, about vote-rigging in Dubuque County, Iowa discovered — and proven — by this candidate and his impromptu team on February 12, 1996, the night of the Iowa Presidential Caucus for that year. You can find this article for free online by a google search, or by going to and looking down the right hand column on the home page.

* 1988 and 1990, was instrumental in organizing a citizens’ precinct movement to reclaim the US government, starting at the county level. This strategy is still viable, is the only way to go to reclaim the nation by peaceful and constitutional means, and is explained at

* In 1990, the precinct candidates under the banner of the Platform Republicans, followed the law and, due in part to a missed date by the old-line Republicans running headquarters, actually won at the the legal party county convention that year, and should have taken control of Hamilton County Republican Headquarters. The Cincinnati Police mistakenly enforced the occupation of the old-line GOP leaders when the Platform Republicans brought donuts to local GOP Headquarters to take charge in line with their rightful victory at the local 1990 GOP county convention. The courts, all the way up to the Ohio Supreme Court, simply stole that victory from our “insurgent” group, which was known as the “Platform Republicans.” The Ohio Supreme Court actually stated in their decision that the Platform Republicans were right “in law and in fact” — but gave control of party headquarters to the old-line Republican Guard anyway.

* In 1996, appeared on over 60 radio programs airing on over 725 outlets on middle sized and major AM and FM radio stations across the USA (including some of the largest 50,000 Watt Stations), on the subject of computerized votefraud vs. Honest Elections. These radio appearances began and caught fire after the discovery of the votefraud in Dubuque, Iowa during the 1996 Presidential Caucus; this votefraud implicated the major TV networks and their exit-polling arm, Voter News Service.

* In 1996, erected the first website devoted to honest elections vs. computerized votefraud, recognized that year by Popular Science magazine, November, 1996, page 74. The original website was, which has since become — home to Citizens for a Fair Vote Count. This website was made possible at that time by the expertise of the legendary Linda Muller, also Pat Buchanan’s webmaster over the years. (Yes, I realize we’re using the word legendary a lot in this bio. :-) )

* In 1996 and 2000 coordinated the signature campaign in Ohio to get Howard Phillips, founder of the Constitution Party, on the ballot for President in Ohio.

* In August of year 2000, hosted the Citizens for a Fair Vote Count Convention at the Ramada Inn at the Cincinnati Airport.

* In 2001, Featured in the documentary movie, “The Right to Count.”

* In 2002 became the first political candidate in the USA to reach the public over 50,000 watt radio stations with the message that the 9-11 cover story was false, and that the evidence pointed to unsettling conclusions, such as that controlled demolition had been used to bring down the WTC towers in NYC, as the airplane crashes and resulting jet fuel fires were completely insufficient to do so. Today, over 1300 hundred university professors, retired military men, and former government officials are stating the same conclusions publicly at and other prominent websites, and there is also a rapidly growing list of published books, DVDs, and CDs blowing the lid off of the phony 9-11 cover story, which is still being used to push us towards World War III in the Mideast and towards a Communist/Nazi style police state in the USA. We recommend the DVD “9-11 Mysteries” by Sofia Smallstorm, and the YouTube video, “Behind the Smoke Curtain” by Barbara Honegger, also available in DVD form. Barbara Honegger worked daily in the Reagan White House from 1981 to 1985. Also, even Big Media polls show that 62% of the American people have some doubts about the official 911 cover story.

* In 2002, became the first candidate in the USA to predict on radio ads on major AM talk stations that the Bush administration was going to invade Iraq, and later Iran and Syria (the latter did not happen under Bush, or yet under Obama, but the neo-cons are still pushing for both). This “amazing” prediction was done on the basis of documents from “The Project of the New American Century” (PNAC) and many other public documents and news items, many of which are now common knowledge.

* In 2006, produced the TOO HOT TO HANDLE “Arrest Chertoff” radio ad which aired on WLS in Chicago, Illinois. The airing of this 60 second radio ad caused the Federal Election Commission, WLS AM Radio, and Disney World of Florida to join forces to illegally get the ad taken off the air on WLS AM after it had aired only two days out of a four day purchased schedule. We think the “Reasonable Access” law was violated here, and litigation will eventually ensue on this point.

* This candidate urges everyone to read the strategy regarding how everyday Americans can use the precinct system (explained at & ) in order to restore honest elections (see ) and reclaim the destiny of our country, from the county level all the way up to the national level.

* In 2008, appeared on the Jan Mickelson Show on WHO in Iowa, exposing the easily rigged Diebold machines that were being used by the Iowa GOP to “count” the August 11, 2008 Iowa Straw Poll. When asked in the middle of the program by Iowa GOP operative, attorney Ted Sporer, why the GOP would want to warp the vote count at the Iowa Straw Poll, Condit leaned into the microphone and answered: “Obviously, so the Iowa GOP can suppress the vote of Ron Paul.” This appearance and statement caused an uproar across Iowa, and threw the results of the 2008 Iowa Straw Poll into doubt in the minds of many in Iowa and across the nation.

* In 2012, Watch the Vote 2012, under Condit’s leadership, tried to get an observer at all 1800 local Iowa Caucuses in order to throw the results up on an independent website, to prevent the Iowa GOP from doing to Ron Paul (or anybody else) what they did to Pat Buchanan in the Iowa Caucus of 1996. A video put up on YouTube (Watch The Vote 2012 – Iowa Caucus) on December 24, 2011 had garnered 42,000+ views by Iowa caucus day, January 6, 2012.

* This effort by Watch the Vote 2012 caused the moles within the Ron Paul Campaign, — including Demetri Kesari and Matt Collins, and the opportunist, Drew Ivers (who wants above all to get his pat on the head from the Iowa GOP), — to betray Ron Paul, his supporters, and the nation, but putting a full court press out on social media and by phone to ask Iowans and patriots from nearby states NOT to cooperate with Watch the Vote 2012 and show up to observe the actual results at each local caucus to checkmate any skullduggery.

* Ivers, head of the Iowa Ron Paul Presidential Campaign in 2012, along with campaign-traitors Kesari and Collins (among others), did NOTHING to watch the vote for Ron Paul, or his legions of supporters, thus giving the Iowa GOP leadership and its appointed computer vendor to warp the Iowa Caucus 2012. Leading up to the 2012 Iowa Caucus, Ron Paul was attracting 300 to 1000 supporters at many campaign stops, when all the other candidates, as one reporter put it, could hold their rallies in the lobby of a Pizza Hut. Mitt Romney left Iowa to head for New Hampshire because his campaign had no visible support. YET, the Iowa GOP headquarters and its chosen computer vendors —  (totally unnecessary except to WARP the vote of the 1800 local gatherings where the votes could be eye-balled by observers, as the vote is taken by paper ballot and counted immediately OR by a raising of hands) — announced Romney as the winner! When a local handyman, Edward True, hooked up with Watch the Vote 2012, – the warping of the vote by the computers at Iowa GOP headquarters was exposed to the extent that the Iowa GOP was forced to CHANGE THE “WINNER” from Romney to Rick Santorum TWO WEEKS after the Caucus, circa January 17, 2012. This was the FIRST TIME in the history of the USA that a major Presidential state caucus had changed winners after the caucus had already announced a winner. This story is told in full at –

* In 2012, on election night in November, NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, and at least local Channel 5 TV in Cincinnati — reported all night long that Jim Condit Jr. of the Constitution Party was running 2nd to Congressman John Boehner. Republican Boehner had about 60% of the vote all night, Condit about 18% to 20% all night. The Democrat Coussoule about 16% all night, and the Libertarian Harlan about 4% all night. The final results were reported at 12:30 PM EST on election night, with 100% of the precincts reporting, and the results were these: Boehner, 134,975, 66%; Condit 36,202, 18%; Coussoule 29,712, 14%; Libertarian Harlow 4,859, 2%. BUT — “magically” . . .

*At 12:50 AM EST — 20 minutes later — a NEW FINAL COUNT showed up simultaneously on all websites associated with the big TV networks and their local affiliates. Now, Jim Condit Jr. had “lost” 33,000 votes and was in last place — and the Democrat Coussoule had “gained” 33,000 votes and was in a “strong 2nd Place.” You can see all this at the — at the link near the top of the page entitled, “Screen shots of Vote Manipulation in the Condit-Boehner Race in the 8th District of Ohio”. By the way, the Cincinnati Enquirer, whose reporters undoubtedly wanted to get home, understandably took the “final results” at 12:30 AM est — and printed the morning edition of the Cincinnati Enquirer with Jim Condit Jr. garnering 36,202 votes and in second place, just as the ORIGINAL final results showed on all the Big TV station websites, both local and national. We have a copy of that edition of the Cincinnati Enquirer for inspection.

* * * * * *  

So, if you considered ONLY Jim Condit Jr.’s vision and leadership on the “easily rigged computerized elections” issue — then he has had more foresight for a longer time (since 1979) than all the other people who have run for, or occupied, public office — put together.

For those who understand, America cannot be saved peacefully and constitutionally from the police-state “New World Order” envisioned by those behind the evil international banking institutions (such as the Federal Reserve, Goldman-Sachs, the International Monetary Fund, or IMF, etc.) — without restoring honest, transparent elections.

Transparent elections means TOTALLY throwing out all machines and all computers in the election day process. This means that all precincts (polling places) must use paper ballots which are immediately deposited by the voters into a box (preferably a clear plastic box that has been checked for a false bottom), which box MUST remain in the sight of the judges. At closing time, all the ballots are dumped out of the box and divided amongst the scrutineers (or counters). The scrutineers work in teams of two, with one calling out the vote, and one recording it. Anyone can look over the shoulders of the scrutineers to observe the count, as long as they do not interfere with the process. Then each team of scrutineers hands in their signed results to the judges. The judges at each polling place then post the final results for that precinct on the wall of the polling place, where it is to remain posted for 3 days. Then, the judges make sure that the ballots are transported to county headquarters (the Board of Elections) by a bi-partisan or tri-partisan team.

If someone — anyone — wants to count your ballots in secret (as now happens in 99% of the counties in the USA, excluding 10 counties in New Hampshire which count ballots in the proper manner) – then you (and the nation) have a problem. The Founding Fathers would NEVER let anyone count their ballots in secret. Only dictatorships and tyrants want to count the citizens’ ballots in secret.

* * * * *

Other areas where Jim Condit Jr. has been a decade, or several decades, ahead of 99.99999% of other candidates for public office, or office holders, in the USA — are:

* How money should be issued, i.e., basically by the principles of Social Credit, from the thinking and work of C.H. Douglas, Louis Even, Alan Pilote, and modern day thinkers who have advanced these principles. The basic idea is that there should be a National Monetary Office which operates totally in the light of day, issues money to the nation without interest, and issues money approximately to equal the goods and services that are available in the nation, or that will be available in the short term (such as rebuilding of infrastructure). The ONLY purpose of a central money-issuing authority is to make the proper amount of money available to people of a nation to facilitate the needs of everyday business and commerce. Jim Condit Jr. realized these things in 1988. (Google “The Money Myth Exploded” article, “This Age of Plenty” book by Louis Even, and “Social Credit in Ten Steps” by Alan Pilote — all free on line; there is also a new book out, “Economic Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About”, by Malone.)

* The hidden side of World War II, and its implications for Americans today. Realized in 1999 thanks to information provided by the late, great Dr. Paul Reznowski.

* That the terror attacks on the World Trade Towers in NYC and the Pentagon on 9-11 (2001) were a FALSE FLAG operation conducted by the forces behind the international banking institutions (FED, Goldman-Sachs, IMF) in order to inaugurate an era of 50 years of war in the Middle East (11 years of war have passed already) and to try and bring a Communist style Police State to the citizens of the USA (obviously in progress with NSA spying, the current building of 30,000 killer drones to fly over the USA everyday by 2020, the buying of 1.5 billion rounds of the most vicious type of bullets for use against the American people by the Communist-Nazi office of Homeland Security (HA!). — “False Flag” means that one group does the deed, and blames it on another. On 9-11-2001, the anti-American powers behind the International Banking Cabal financed the deed, did the deed, and covered up the deed through their major TV Networks and radio stations, — and blamed it on the Moslems and Arabs. Jim Condit Jr. was the first candidate for public office, or public office holder — to expose the truth about 9-11 on radio ads in 2002.

* Propounding solutions for how Americans can take their country back to true freedom, such as the Precinct Solution, much of which positive program is found on

The End

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